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The Atlantic Cup - America's Class40 Race

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©Atlantic Cup  Coastal Race Day 1 Portland - Billy Black-69.jpg

Acrobatica skippered by Alberto Riva and Jean Mare win the 2024 Atlantic Cup!

Acrobatica Wins!

2 people, 3 stages, 1,000+ miles of racing on the East Coast of the United States


Charleston, South Carolina

Newport, Rhode Island

Portland, Maine

3 Iconic Cities

The premier offshore doublehanded class for amateurs and professionals.



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Acrobatica wins Atlantic Cup!

Vogue Avec un Crohn takes 2nd place by 1/2 point over Everial

Acrobatica Wins Leg 2 Newport - Portland by 7 min 31 sec

The Race

Class40 sailboats racing past downtown Charleston, South Carolina

Departing from the iconic Charleston, South Carolina teams will make their way north 704-nautical miles to Newport, Rhode Island. The course will take them through the Gulf Stream which always adds a little spice and speed to this leg. 

Leg 1 - Charleston - Newport
May 25 - 12pm

For the first time since 2014, the Atlantic Cup returns to its roots in Newport, Rhode Island. Considered by many to be the sailing capital of the USA, it's a destination rooted in history. The second leg will take competitors 360-nautical miles north to Portland, Maine. 

Leg 2 - Newport - Portland
June 1 - 12pm

Class40 sailboats racing on Narragansett Bay

Set amongst beautiful coastline and picturesque lighthouses, Portland Maine is a stunning sailing destination and perfect backdrop for the third and final leg of the Atlantic Cup. New for 2024, this portion of the race will be made up of two days of coastal racing to further challenge the teams and their all-around skills. 

Leg 3 - Coastal Series in Portland
June 5 & 6

Class40 sailboat racing past Portland Light

The Atlantic Cup started in 2011 as a way to showcase double-handed sailing the USA. From its small origins, the Atlantic Cup grew to a multi-stage race that spans the east coast of the U.S. 

The Atlantic Cup challenges the sailors in multiple ways. The two offshore legs will be sailed double handed (two people). The first leg of the race is a long offshore leg covering 704 nautical miles(3+ days). The second leg will be a shorter 350 nautical mile (2+ days) offshore sprint. Both the offshore legs will demand high physical input and provide little rest.  The third leg will force the sailors to switch to shorter distance coastal races. 


a sailboat in the ocean with a beautiful sky
sailboats sailing by the statue of liberty

Acrobatica Wins Leg 1 Charleston - Newport

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